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Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute-UDF Development (Exam)

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Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute-UDF Development (Exam)
Cloud MaxCompute-UDF Development (Exam) | Alibaba

Introducing the Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute-UDF Development Exam! This certification exam is designed to validate your skills in developing User Defined Functions (UDF) within the MaxCompute environment. Ideal for data professionals and developers, this exam will test your knowledge and proficiency in writing and optimizing UDFs, ensuring you are equipped to handle complex data processing tasks on Alibaba Cloud. Enhance your credentials and demonstrate your expertise by earning this prestigious certification. Prepare today and take the next step in your cloud computing career with Alibaba Cloud.

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Exam Question

1. The NULL value in SQL is represented by a NULL reference in Java; therefore, ‘Java primitive type’ is not allowed because it cannot represent a NULL value in SQL.
A. True
B. False

2. Which one is an incorrect method when Java UDF uses complex types?
A. UDTF through @Resolve annotation to specify the signature
B. UDAF through evaluate signature to map UDF input/output type.
C. UDF through evaluate signature to map UDF input/output type.
D. UDAF through @Resolve annotation to get the signature

3. Which limitation is not related to UDTF?
A. No other expressions are allowed in the same SELECT clause
B. No other expressions are allowed in the same SELECT clause
C. It can be used in where filtering conditions.
D. No support use with distribute by together in same 

4. Which one is not included in MaxCompute user-defined functions?

5. When developing UDF in MaxCompute, the corresponding data type and return data type in Java are objects, and the initial letter must be capitalized.
A. True
B. False

6. Which statement is incorrect when you use Java UDF?
A. The code is added to the MaxCompute through the form of resources.
B. Java UDF must be packeted as Jar format.
C. UDF framework can load jar packets automatically.
D. After adding the Jar package, this UDF is ready for use.

7. UDF output a return value at a time. UDTF can output more than two records at one time.
A. True
B. False

8. For UDAF(User Defined Aggregation Function), input and output is many-for-one relationship.
A. True
B. False

9. Which of the following UDTF statements are correct?
A. It does not support the use with group by together in the same SELECT clause.
B. It supports the use with distribute by together in the same SELECT clause.
C. Supports other expressions in the same SELECT clause.
D. It does not support the use with sort by together in the same SELECT clause.

10. Which UDF implementation logic statements are correct?
A. To implement UDF, the class ‘com.aliyun.odps.udf.UDF’ must be inherited and the ‘evaluate’ method must be applied
B. The parameter type and return value type of Evaluate method is considered as UDF signature in SQL.
C. To call UDF, the framework must match the correct evaluate method according to the parameter type called by UDF.
D. The ‘evaluate’ method must be a static public method.
E. User can implement multiple evaluate methods in UDF

11. Which UDAF implementation logic statements are correct?
A. The main logic of UDAF relies on these three interfaces: ‘iterate’, ‘merge’, and ‘terminate’.
B. To implement UDAF we need to inherit the com.aliyun.odps.udf.Aggregator class.
C. Need to implement interfaces. Eg setup, newBuffer, iterate, terminate, merge, close and so on.
D. Don't support user-defined Writable buffer

12. myudf_lower()' is a UDF(user defined function), table is 't_test(name string)'. Which of the following statements are correct?
A. SELECT myudf_lower(name) FROM t_test;
B. SELECT * FROM t_test where myudf_lower('Aaa')=name;
C. SELECT * FROM t_test where myudf_lower(name) = 'odps';
D. SELECT * FROM t_test where myudf_lower(myudf_lower(name)) = 'zzzz';

13. Which UDTF implementation logic statements are correct?
A. To implement UDF, we need to inherit the com.aliyun.odps.udf.UDTF class.
B. To implement UDF, we need to inherit the com.aliyun.odps.udf.UDTF class.
C. . @Resovle() defines the function input/output parameters data type.
D. When invoking UDTF, the input parameter can be not consistent with @Resolve definition.

14. Which of the following ways of UDTF usage in SQL are correct?
A. select user_udtf(col0, col1, col2) as (c0, c1) from my_table;
B. select user_udtf(col0, col1, col2) as (c0, c1),col3 from my_table;
C. select user_udtf(col0, col1, col2) as (c0, c1) from (select * from my_table distribute by key sort by key) t;
D. select reduce_udtf(col0, col1, col2) as (c0, c1) from (select col0, col1, col2 from (select map_udtf(a0, a1, a2, a3) as (col0, col1, col2) from my_table) t1 distribute by col0 sort by col0, col1) t2;

15.Which of the following UDF(user defined function) statements in MaxCompute are correct?
A. Function input and output are one to one.
B. Return a scalar value of a specified type.
C. Can not be used with other functions.
D. It can be used in WHERE filtering conditions.

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