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Global Acceleration Soluiton Overview(Exam) Answers

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Global Acceleration Soluiton Overview(Exam) Answers
Global Acceleration Soluiton Overview(Exam) Answers

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Exam Question

Single answer
1.Which of the following scenarios is not supported by GA?
A. Cross-site online collaboration
B. Cross-site data replication
C. Mobile apps and Web applications
D. Database migration between two regions

Single answer
2.Which of the following bandwidth package purchase plan's duration option is not available in Global Accelerator?
A. Monthly
B. Yearly
C. Bi-monthly
D. Hourly

Single answer
3.When buying Bandwidth Package, which option is available?
A. Subscription
B. Pay-as-you-go
C. Post pay
D. Pay-as-you-go (hourly)

Single answer
4.Which component of the Global Accelerator solution is not charged separately?
A. Basic Bandwidth Plan
B. Cross-border Bandwidth Plan
C. Premium Internet
D. Instance specification fee

Single answer
5.While configuring GA, which of the following components is optional?
A. Endpoint Group
B. Client Affinity
C. Listener protocol
D. Endpoint

Single answer
6.A company wants to accelerate its website for its Chinese users. The website is hosted outside China and Alibaba Cloud, and have an ICP for the website domain name in China. Which bandwith plan is most suitable for the company needs?
A. Basic + Cross-border bandwidth plan
B. Enhanced + Cross-border bandwidth plan
C. Cross-broder bandwidth plan
D. Enhanced Bandwith plan

Single answer
7.A company wants to accelerate its website hosted outside China for its Chinese users. The company doesn't have an ICP for the website domain name in China. Which bandwith plan should the company use in this case?
A. Enhanced + Cross-border bandwidth plan
B. Premium + Cross-border bandwidth plan
C. Cross-broder bandwidth plan
D. Premium Bandwith plan

Single answer
8.Which backend service type is not supported by Global Accelerator?
A. Custom IP Address
C. Custom domain
D. None of the above

Single answer
9.A customer just purchased a premium bandwidth plan and a small-1 GA instance and configured listeners/enpoint for origin server outside China. But the customer is not able to connect to the website using GA. Most likely, the root cause is:
A. Wrong bandwidth plan purchased
B. Wrong listener configuration
C. Acceleration area not configured
D. GA instance not created correctly

10.A customer is trying to accelerate the website hosted in Australia for its users in France using GA. Customer must use a basic type bandwidth + a cross-region bandwidth between Asia Pacific and Europe.

11.Global Accelerator supports Client affinity configurations.

12.Acceleration area is an area where the service that needs to be accelerated is hosted.

13.Global Accelerator can accelerate networks and services only for Chinese users.

14.Once a bandwidth plan is bound to an instance, it cannot be upgraded.

15.Gloal accelerator can be purchased on an hourly basis.

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